This is a full response to a review left on my account by Liv Realty as AirBnB's reviews don't allow posting videos and pictures to support my claim and expose the host's lying.

Liv Realty's claim that the guests had 20 girls coming every day, while (note!) not against the House Rules of this AirBnB, is a lie. Here is a proof, straight from the WhatsApp chat screen capture below. Lorena claims to be the owner of Liv Realty, yet cannot count properly as I clearly explained that her own picture of the porteria logs shows 9 visitors over the span of 6 days, not 20 in 1 day. Yet, she continues to repeat this debunked and ridiculous claim we had 9 or 20 girls in 1 day. We are 4 single guys in this apartment, of course we will have visitors, I am on vacation. Whatsapp chat

We already offered Lorena 1 week in to cancel the reservation but she refused. Then, at the end of the first month and 1 week before end of my trip she decided to cancel and lied to AirBnB that I was involved in illegal activities in order to get AirBnB to believe her. I found out later from AirBnB that she lied.

The second preposterous accusation was about "sublisting" the bedrooms. This is a 3-bedroom AirBnB and I have registered 4 guests (including myself) ahead of time, as per AirBnB requirements. The guest limit is 5 so we didn't even hit the guest limit. There are no other guests that ever came in to the AirBnB. If I were "sublisting" the bedrooms which website was I doing that on and where are your screenshots, Lorena?? Where is your proof??? Ah right, you don't have any because such "sublistings" do not exist! You are just spreading ignorant lies taken from the old lady Flor, the buidling admin, who has nothing better to do all day but make the lives of the residents miserable.

On the last ridiculous claim that I was making up lies about the A/C, I have the video of the rattling air-conditioning, see below. They sent a technician to fix it and the technician couldn't fix it. So I requested a partial refund because none of the guests were able to sleep sleep in that bedroom, this is how loud the noise was. I got $50 refund on a $3400 rental from Liv Realty. Pathetic! video of rattling air-conditioning



The $95 Claim for Damages Against Me
After checkout, Lorena thought it was a good idea to slap me with a $95 damage claim/reimbursement claim. Hey, this dumb gringo just paid $3400 for 1 month at our place, let's rip him off one last time! What's $95 for him anyway?!
Note how the claim wasn't for $100 or $120; the number 95 looks like a salesman's hack price of the $9.99 sort you would see at a used car dealership. That alone raised some brows. So I carefully reviewed the claim. The claim consisted of 2 counts of missing items and 1 count of damaged linens.

Well, unfotunately for Lorena, I had made video recordings of the whole apartment upon check-in and check-out because I wasn't going to trust these Liv Realty people to honor our agreement and not try to pull some scam on me. After presenting the video evidence to AirBnB the first two claims for $15 and $20 got dismissed immediately.

For the last claim Lorena obviously thought $170,000 Colombian Pesos equals $60 USD. By now I am thinking Lorena has some mental disability because she consistently sees numbers higher than what's in front of her face. Just to help you out here, Lorena, $170,000 COP equals $42, not $60. Then, the receipt attached to the claim was for some new items purchased, not for the original items that I supposedly damaged. As can be seen from the video the claimed damage is bedsheet discoloration the size of a water drop. This is not permanent damage, this is not even damage, this is a spot that can be removed with over-the-counter laundry products. Ridiculous!!! Thankfully, AirBnB finally agreed I wasn't liable for this either.